How much does an NVQ cost?
ESA has set out a straightforward cost model that explains exactly what you get for your money.
Due to the wide scope of the qualifications, embracing over 20 products, the individual product areas in which a candidate is deemed competent will be recorded on the certificate as 'endorsements'. For convenience, ESA has divided these into three 'endorsement groups' as follows -
- Group A - Powered Pedestrian Doors including Fire
- Group B - Industrial and Garage Doors including Fire
- Group C - Gates, Traffic Barriers and Pedestrian Barriers
Further detail about the 'groups' can be found in the FAQs.
The registration fee by the awarding body is currently £103.95 (£89.25 for Loading Bay Equipment NVQ) and ESA has no influence over the fees charged by the awarding body.
Since 1st September 2021 the NOCN_Cskills Awards Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Specialist Installation Occupations (Construction) - Door, Gate and Shutter Systems- Installation and Maintenance has been offered through ESA. This combined NVQ means that the cost to obtain both original qualifications has reduced in cost. This is due to the single registration fee.
For one NVQ including a 1-day site visit and one endorsement group the fee is £900.
The total cost being £1003.95 per candidate (or £989.25 for Loading Bay Equipment).
Any additional endorsement groups that can be assessed during the 1-day visit are £100 each.
Additional site visits per day are £350.
If you're adding on a Loading Bay Equipment NVQ, there is an additional cost of £650 which includes an additional site visit.
Scenario #1
Door & Gates NVQ with one endorsement group assessed in one site visit day would be –
Awarding body registration fee £103 Door & Gates NVQ | = £103.95 |
NVQ #1 with endorsement group C | = £900 |
Total cost | = £1003.95 |
Scenario #2
Door & Gates NVQ with two endorsement groups that could all be assessed on the same site visit day would be –
Awarding body registration fee £103 Door & Gates NVQ | = £103.95 |
NVQ with endorsement group A | = £900 |
One additional endorsement group B | = £100 |
Total cost | = £1103.95 |
Scenario #3
Door & Gates NVQ with two endorsement groups that could not all be assessed on the same site visit day would be –
Awarding body registration fee £103 Door & Gates NVQ | = £103.95 |
NVQ with endorsement group B | = £900 |
Additional endorsement group C for NVQ | = £100 |
Additional 1-day site visit | = £350 |
Total cost | = £1453.95 |
Scenario #4
Two NVQs (Door & Gates and Loading Bay) with two endorsement groups for NVQ 1 that could not all be assessed on the same site visit day, would be –
Awarding body registration fee £103 for Door & Gates NVQ, £89 for Loading Bay NVQ | = £103.95 + £89.25= £193.20 |
NVQ #1 with endorsement group B | = £900 |
NVQ #2 loading bay equipment - includes site visit | = £650 |
Additional endorsement group C for NVQ #1 | = £100 |
Additional 1-day site visit | = £350 |
Total cost | = £2193.20 |
All prices are subject to VAT.
Any additional charges are agreed beforehand between the candidate or the candidate's company so there are no hidden surprises. Travel costs are calculated using the Government guidance of 45p per mile. ESA is committed to being a company with integrity.