Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here is a list of the common questions which we get asked about on a regularly basis, just click on any of the questions below to reveal our answer.
What NVQs are available from ESA?
ESA currently offers 2 NVQs:
- Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Specialist Installation Occupations (Construction) – Door, Gate and Shutter Systems – Installation and Maintenance - This NVQ is new for September 2021 and combines the original 2 NVQs that are being withdrawn 31st August 2021.
- The Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Specialist Installation Occupations (Construction) – Loading Bay Equipment - Installation or Maintenance
Previously offered
Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Specialist Installation Occupations (Construction) – Door, Gate and Shutter Systems - Repair - withdrawn 31st August 2021 but those already registered will be allowed to complete the qualification
The Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Specialist Installation Occupations (Construction) – Door, Gate and Shutter Systems - Install - withdrawn 31st August 2021 but those already registered will be allowed to complete the qualification
What are the entry requirements for an NVQ?
There are no formal entry requirements to take any of the NVQ qualifications offered by ESA. The two NVQs offered can be undertaken without any previous training or qualifications in this subject area. However, you will need to evidence a level of work experience history and competence.
Both qualifications have been developed for achievement in a real workplace environment, which means you need to be employed to undertake these qualifications.
What is the process I need to follow to complete my NVQ?
You will be assessed against a set of performance and knowledge statements which have been derived from National Occupational Standards for your occupational area. You will be assessed by an occupationally competent and qualified assessor whose job is to work with you and help you complete your qualification.
You will be required to produce a Portfolio of Evidence showing how you have met the performance and knowledge criteria for each unit required within the qualification, as directed by your assessor. In addition, you will be assessed in-person by your assessor and potentially an Internal Quality Assessor for the day during a site visit.
What products are in each endorsement group?
There are 4 endorsement groups. You will note that some endorsements appear in more than one group.
Group A - Powered Pedestrian Doors including Fire
Power operated pedestrian sliding doors
Power operated pedestrian swing doors
Power operated pedestrian folding doors
Manual pedestrian slide swing and folding doors
Manual and power operated pedestrian revolving doors
Fire-resisting pedestrian doors
Group B - Industrial and Garage Doors including Fire
Vertically sliding industrial/commercial doors
Vertically rolling industrial/commercial doors
Horizontally acting industrial/commercial doors
Fire resisting industrial/commercial doors
Domestic garage doors with panel constructions
Domestic garage doors with rolling constructions
Domestic garage doors, power operated
Manual pedestrian slide swing and folding doors
Fire-resisting pedestrian doors
Group C - Gates and Traffic Barriers
Automated gates and traffic barriers
Group D - Loading Bay Equipment
Hinged Lip Dock Leveller
Telescopic Lip Dock Leveller
Drawbridge Dock Leveller
Scissor Lift Installation
Dock Seal/Shelter Installation
Wheel Guide Installation
Vehicle Restraint Installation
Bumper/buffer Installation
Dock/Traffic Light Installation
Control Panel Installation
How long does it take to complete an NVQ?
This will be entirely down to your experience in the field and your competence level. If candidates are quick to provide the evidence and arrange the site visit it can take as little as 3 months to complete. It is expected that it should not take longer than 12 months, as a guide, if you have the Experienced Worker CSCS card, this is valid for 12 months whilst you go through the NVQ process.
What evidence do I need?
There are several modules within the NVQ that you will need to provide evidence of competence. Your assessor will go through this with you at the start of the process. You will need to be able to demonstrate on the site visit that you have worked on the product you are being assessed on. As each NVQ is unique to the candidate providing a list here would be too complex but if you would like someone to contact you to discuss this more, please do contact [email protected].
Where does an assessment take place?
This will be arranged by you and your assessor at a mutually agreed time and place. An assessment has to include a live onsite observation in a working environment.
What is the qualification structure of the NVQ?
The Qualification structure below specifies the combination of units that need to be achieved for the individual to be awarded the qualification.
Qualification Title:
NOCN_Cskills Awards Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Specialist Installation Occupations (Construction) - Door, Gate and Shutter Systems- Installation and Maintenance
Total Qualification Time (TQT) for this qualification: 460
An estimate of the total time it could reasonably be expected for a learner to achieve a qualification. TQT includes guided learning hours (GLH) plus an estimate of the time a learner is likely to spend in preparation, study or other learning activities as directed by but not under the immediate guidance of a lecturer, supervisor, or tutor
Minimum Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for this qualification: 224
The time a learner spends in activities under the immediate guidance or supervision of a lecturer, supervisor or tutor. This includes assessment if under supervision.
Qualification Structure:
The NOCN_Cskills Awards Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Specialist Installation Occupations (Construction) -Door, Gate and Shutter Systems-Installation and Maintenance qualification/pathway structure below specifies the combination of units that need to be achieved for the individual to be awarded the qualification.
This qualification/pathway consists of four (4) mandatory units and three (3) optional units.
In order to achieve/pass this qualification/pathway learners must successfully complete/achieve all four (4) Mandatory units and one(1) Optional unit.
Qualification Title:
L2 NVQ Certificate in Specialist Installation Occupations (Construction) - Loading Bay Equipment Installation or Maintenance
Total Qualification Time (TQT) for this qualification: 280
An estimate of the total time it could reasonably be expected for a learner to achieve a qualification. TQT includes guided learning hours (GLH) plus an estimate of the time a learner is likely to spend in preparation, study or other learning activities as directed by but not under the immediate guidance of a lecturer, supervisor, or tutor.
Minimum Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for this qualification: 124
The time a learner spends in activities under the immediate guidance or supervision of a lecturer, supervisor, or tutor. This includes assessment if under supervision.
To achieve/pass this pathway a minimum of 4 units need to be attained. This comprises the 3 mandatory units from the Mandatory Group plus 1 unit from the Optional Unit Group of which the learner must achieve/pass.
Learners may achieve/pass the additional units if desired, but it will not attract credit or count towards achievement of this qualification.
Do I need to complete both an installation & service and repair & service NVQ?
The introduction of the new combined NVQ (NOCN_Cskills Awards Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Specialist Installation Occupations (Construction) - Door, Gate and Shutter Systems- Installation and Maintenance) as of 1st September 2021 now affords the learner to choose the pathway units of choice as well as completing all of the mandatory units - see What is the qualification structure of the NVQ? If you work in Industrial/Garage Doors, Fire Doors, Powered Pedestrian Doors, Automated Gates & Barriers, it is not mandatory for you to complete all of the optional units, this would be your choice and determined on the work you carry out.
If you work on Loading Bay Equipment then it's part of the same NVQ.
I work with powered pedestrian doors and shutters so do I need 2 NVQs?
There is now a single NVQ available for these areas (see What NVQs are available from ESA?). The new combined NOCN_Cskills Awards Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Specialist Installation Occupations (Construction) - Door, Gate and Shutter Systems- Installation and Maintenance offers the pathways for a learner via optional units, to be qualified in both areas. Therefore, you will only need to have one NVQ, but would need to complete the relevant optional units and endorsement groups. If you work in one area of the industry such as install and service only, but you want to work on powered pedestrian doors and industrial rolling shutters you need one NVQ but 2 endorsement groups.
I already have an NVQ in another discipline why do I need another?
If you work with Industrial Doors, Powered Pedestrian Doors, Fire Doors, Automated Gates & Traffic Barriers or Loading Bay Equipment, you will need either of the 2 NVQs offered by ESA. You will need an NVQ in the relevant field to obtain a CSCS card for working on these products.
What are the benefits of a NVQ?
The NVQ is a competence-based qualification and is based on national occupational standards. These standards are statements of performance that describe what competent people in an occupation are expected to be able to do. It is also an essential requirement for obtaining your Blue Skilled Worker CSCS card.
Which CSCS card can I have during and after an NVQ?
If you require a CSCS card or are simply trying to re-new your existing card, you will need to have an appropriate qualification, in the Door, Gate, Barrier and Loading Bay sector; this means the:
L2 NVQ Diploma in Specialist Occupations (Construction) - Door and Gate Systems or the Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Specialist Installation Occupations (Construction) – Loading Bay Equipment
If you are registered for either of these qualifications you can obtain a red Experienced Worker card. Once qualified, your card can be upgraded to a blue Skilled Worker card that will show the endorsements you have achieved on the back of the card.
Can I get funding for my NVQ?
Funding used to be provided by the Education & Skills Funding Agency. From 2021 funding may be available from your Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). If your LEP has identified this opportunity, please advise ESA who will take the necessary steps to help apply for funding. How much funding available will be determined by each LEP and the area in which the candidate resides and not necessarily where the candidate works.